The Marmelade Music School summer camp was a big success!

The last Sunday in August marked the beginning of a wonderful adventure. In a crowded 18-seat van, cellos, violins, and suitcases perched on the roof, 8 Haitian colleagues and I set out for Marmelade, the ultimate destination for the closing camp of the summer.

In Dondon we squeezed into a rugged Land Cruiser and embarked on an overland trek, complete with two river crossings. The countryside is gorgeous!

The Marmelade camp had about 350 students, ranging in age from 4 years old to the mid-twenties. The local staff and teachers, along with the support of a dedicated parent committee for the youngest participants, demonstrated remarkable organization and commitment. 

The involvement of volunteer teachers from music schools across the country underscores the collaborative spirit and shared dedication to nurturing musical talent throughout Haiti.  It was an intense and very productive week!

Every day a group of parents accompanied the children on campus, serving to help shepherd the very youngest and to make sure everything was safe.

I was particularly struck by the unmistakable pride they displayed in the camp's activities. Several parents made it explicitly clear to me that they recognized how music could act as a protective shield for the children in the community, equipping them to combat the threats posed by gangs, drugs, and criminality.

I believe pervasive trauma in Haiti affects a significant portion of the population. Music camps there offer a vital sanctuary for creating personal refuge from violence, providing solace.

The sense of community and connection within these camps serves as a powerful means for people to regain normalcy and equilibrium in their lives. Despite being short-term events, the opportunity to immerse oneself in music in peaceful and beautiful locations offers an extraordinary respite.

Music unites people, fostering community, and helping individuals regain control, emotional balance, and focus,

In times of darkness, music, culture and the arts can bring light, unity, and a sense of hope that fuels the drive for a better future.

At music camps throughout the summer, I witnessed the incredible power of music as a beacon of hope, igniting positive change and nurturing resilience. A heartfelt thank you to all who support our efforts!


Summer Wrap


Music camps throughout the North Province - such wonderful things being accomplished!